Annual Christmas Party, an evening of fun and bonding for the cadets. There is an optional gift exchange with a $20 limit, it is optional however we do ask that everyone bring a non-perishable food item in. The unit will then take those items and donate them to the less fortunate. The dress for the evening is Christmas semi casual, (civilian attire that is appropriate) and the timings for the evening will be 1830-2100hrs. We will also be having a potluck for the cadets, we ask that the following last names bring these items;
A-G: Drinks
H-M: Main course
N-S: Dessert
T-Z: Salad
General Announcements:
Bottle Drive on January 4th, 2020 more information coming next week
Our training season will be finished on Dec 21 where there will be no training until Jan 7, 2020. If you have questions about this please feel free to ask
Jan 18th, 2020 we will be having a Squadron Range Day, this day is designed for cadets to train and learn the ins and outs of the cadet marksmanship program and air rifles. This day is open to all cadets of the unit with priority going to level 1 and 2 cadets. More information and timings for this day will come later but mark the date in your calendars now.