

This week:

Thursday Nov 21

  • Survivair 1800-2000hrs, Ground School 1900-2100hrs

Friday Nov 22

  • Level 5 Workshop cadets please meet at the armouries for 1300hrs the bus will be leaving at 1330hrs with or without you. We will be travelling in civilian clothing, please bring your full uniform (including elemental t-shirts) and a few pairs of civilian clothes. Make sure you also bring your toiletries and a towel. You will also need your level 5 log books and its recommended you bring a notebook and writing utensils to take notes. We should be returning for around 1730hrs on Sunday Nov 24. If you have any questions please let OCdt Trepanier know ( There will be Drones 1900-2100hrs.

Sunday Nov 24

  • Band Rehearsal 1300-1500hrs
  • Ground School 1300-1500hrs
  • Drill Team 1530-1730hrs
  • Festival of Trees tear down at Tara Centre 1700-2100hrs

Monday Nov 25

  • Marksmanship 1800-2000hrs
  • Festival of trees tear down at Tara Centre 1700-2100hrs

Tuesday Nov 26

Parents Association

  • Bottle Drive coming up on Nov 30th from 0900-1600hrs. A signup sheet will be going around next Tuesday. These fundraisers benefit the unit, as they allow us to do more activities outside our normal training so the more cadets helping the better.