Saturday Oct 1, 2022: Field Training Exercise First Day – Please see the attached letter describing the details of the exercise. Cadets will be at Pineridge Adventure Camp at 0800hrs, and be picked up at 1600hrs. Senior Cadets are to be there for 0700hrs
Sunday Oct 2, 2022: Field Training Exercise Second Day – Please see the attached letter describing the details of the exercise. Cadets will be at Pineridge Adventure Camp at 0800hrs, and be picked up at 1600hrs. Senior cadets are to be there for 0730hrs
Tuesday Oct 4, 2022: Meet and Greet Potluck, open to all cades and IMMEDIATE family members. Serving sizes should be enough for approx 12 people. We ask that the following last names bring:
A to H: Desserts
I to R: Mains
S to Z: Sides and salads
As well please bring your own serving utensils and mark them as your own.
As well on Oct 4 there will be a Parent meeting open to all parents held at the DCoy starting at 645pm, changes within the board to discuss and an opening for Treasurer. (this is the same time as the potluck so you can eat while attending too!).
Oct 18, 2022 – Annual Wings Parade, promotions, awards, and celebration
Extracurricular activities are continuing to start up. Signups for the following are already begun and ready for cadet interest. Drill and Band, already started Sundays 1-3 and 3-5 respectively. Marksmanship tryouts will begin in October signups for it are posted in the DCoy. Biathlon is start very quickly on Oct 8th, sign up for that is also up in the DCoy.
House Keeping announcements:
If you are reporting an absence please text the squadron number at 780-538-3610, it is easier for the administration team to manage those messages as the phone is not actively monitored throughout the week. You may still call the number and leave a message however, but these are the only accepted methods to excuse an absence.
If you are a parent who it was mentioned that your cadet would need extra medical forms they are ready for you and need to be completed ASAP. If you are unsure if your cadets has more forms please email the Squadron Administration officer at