Ground school 1900-2100hrs at D-Coy Armouries in training rooms 3 & 4. Civilian attire
NO OTHER TRAINING UNTIL JAN 9, 2023 – Have a safe and enjoyable Winter Break!!!
Cash Calendars are due back ASAP you need to bring the information slips and money for them to the SSC members. As well as any unsold calendars need to be returned.
Every first Tuesday of the month is a Parent/ SSC Board Meeting @ 630pm at the Armouries. For January this will be Jan 10, 2022
Dec 23, 2022 – Jan 9, 2022 – Winter Break Standdown NO TRAINING
Jan 14 – Senior Cadet Leadership Seminar
Jan 21 – Squadron Marksmanship Day
Jan 28-29 – Music Clinic: Edmonton
Feb 17-19 – (in this range of dates) Marksmanship Zones
Supply reminds all cadets that if you borrow uniform parts for the evening to return them.
ALWAYS check these announcements first before contacting squadron email/phone or
If you are reporting an absence, please text the squadron number at 780-538-3610, it is easier for the administration team to manage those messages as the phone is not actively monitored throughout the week. You may still call the number and leave a message however, but these are the only accepted methods to excuse an absence.
If you are a parent interested in becoming a screened volunteer for events like bottle drives and fundraisers, please reach out to the squadron email to get that process started.
Please find links to our Public Facebook page and Private Group (Group is for current squadron cadets and parents only). We use these groups to share photos and other stuff like that. Official announcements are still made to this website first and foremost.