
Final Summer Announcements

We are officially done training for the year!! Training will resume in the fall – official start date will come out later. 


Last few things for the summer.

  • If you were given a CTC/ CAP offer for summer training they were due tonight June 6th. They will still be accepted until June 8th at end of day after which regional headquarters will rescind the offer. Signed offers can be emailed to 2Lt Trepanier before that date at
  • Offers may still continue to come over the next few weeks, please keep an eye for announcements and your emails as that is the method most likely being used to inform you. 
  • Cadets please ensure you store your uniforms properly over the summer so they do not get wrecked. 
  • The office will be closed for the majority of the summer and the office phone put into summer hours mode. If you need to contact the squadron over the break email is the preferred method, as it will be monitored periodically. The phone is not a reliable method over the summer.