
Welcome Back 2023-2024 Training Year (2023-08-21)

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Good day everyone,

Hopefully you all had a relaxing and fun summer!! It is of course that time of the year again, and the squadron is preparing to start another exciting training year! Detailed below will be a few opening housekeeping/annual registration notes. As we get closer to our official start date of Sept 12, 2023.

  1. As mentioned above our official training start date will be Sept 12, 2023 at 1830hrs, however on Sept 5th, 2023 we will be having a returning cadet/recruitment night. This night is open from 1830-2130hrs and has a very specific purpose, and that’s to allow our returning cadets an evening to complete annual validation/ medical paperwork and exchange uniform parts that no longer fit. No actual training occurs on this evening and it simply allows us to get the necessary start for our returning cadets before we begin our training season. On this evening parents or guardians will need to come into the Armouries to complete validation paperwork. If this is your first time returning to the unit (veteran parents you’ve all done this before) what this paperwork entails is straight forward. You will be given a validation form from your cadets file, simply go through the listed information and ensure everything listed is accurate and up to date (addresses, phone numbers, etc). The only other piece of paperwork needed on this night is specific to cadets who have completed detailed health questionnaires in the past or who have had a change in medical history. Medical validations are completed annually. Do not worry about remembering what to do on these forms as staff will be there to assist you if needed. Once your validations are completed and you have gone to supply to do any uniform exchanges you are free to leave. Again our official training starts Sept 12th.
  2. Next item only pertains to anyone who has a cadet NOT returning to the unit. If your cadet is not going to be attending the squadrons training again please complete the attached form. This form is only the first step in being struck off the units strength and a staff member will contact you directly for further steps after the form is completed (starting about Aug 22 at the earliest). Please note that your cadets file will NOT be removed until all necessary steps are completed, this includes the returning of all issued uniform pieces.
  3. Please note that some extra-curricular optional training activities will be starting right away this year and the turn around time is quick. Teams specifically that will be rapid in team selection and training are:
    1. Biathlon – Beginning Sept 16th, teams selection will be completed before 29 Sept as the zone competition registration is needed by 30 Sept. Zone Competition will be 28 or 29 Oct 23.
    2. Drill Team – Beginning Sept 18th, this year drill team has switched to Monday evenings from 1700-1900hrs, this is better meet staff availability.
  4. Other extracurriculars will start at various times and more information for those will be released as they become available from the officers in charge of each.
    1. Band will begin following our fall FTX – Dates announced soon.
    2. Survivair will begin first week of October
    3. Marksmanship, and Ground School are TBD

This concludes our opening remarks, and again welcome back!