
Announcements: Week of Oct 3, 2023 (Updated 2023/10/03)

This week:

  • Thursday Oct 5, 2023
    • Survivair begins – At the D-Coy Armouries 1830-2100hrs in civilian attire. Bring a water bottle and fitness gear. All cadets welcome!!
  • NO training this weekend for Thanksgiving long weekend
  • Tuesday Oct 10, 2023 
    • Regular Training – 1830-2130hrs at D-Coy Armouries. Dress will be FTU FTU Order of Dress.
  • Saturday Oct 14, 2023
    • Tri-Service Leadership and Instructional Techniques Day. Open to all level 3 and above cadets, please sign up on Cadet365 or discuss with Lt McGee. Timings to be finalized but plan for 0830-1500hrs. Lunch is provided. More details to come.



  • Oct 5 – Survivair Starts (Open to all cadets)
  • Oct 14 – Leadership Seminars (Open to Lvl 3 and up cadets, discuss with Lt McGee)
  • Oct 17 – Wings Parade (Tuesday night, ceremonial parade)
  • Oct 28 or 29 (TBD) – Biathlon Zone Competition (Closed to only biathlon team)
  • Nov 28 – Meet and Greet Potluck (All cadets and immediate families)


  • Air Cadet League of Alberta Cash Calendars are available again this year for fundraising. Calendars will be available for pick-up at the beginning and end of Tuesday night training. 
  • Every first Tuesday of the month is a Parent/ SSC Board Meeting @ 630pm at the Armouries. Thank you to all the parents that attended this week! Next meeting Nov 7, 2023



  • This message is aimed at those cadets interested in pursuing their glider or private pilot licence. The Sqn will start a Ground School in the next few weeks. The actual start date will be announced on parade and communicated here. Ground School is opened to a limited number of cadets, 15 years of age or over. The age threshold may drop to 14 if there is enough space. Note that this is Sqn specific. For those old enough you will also be enrolled in Online Ground School (OGS).

    Please complete the Ground School Registration form. The Sqn staff will use this information to register you (if you meet the age minimums) for the OGS serial in Fortress. Note that you must complete the OGS to be considered for either the GPTC or PPTC next summer.

    While you are waiting for the national OGS to start, use the link below to study for the Rules of the Air section of the exam. It is an excellent Canadian resource by a flying instructor out of BC.

    Improved PSTAR Study Guide – Robyn’s Flying Start

    Any questions regarding OGS or the Sqn Ground School can be directed to Sqn Staff.

  • Parents you are highly encouraged to come into the armouries during closing announcements/parade. That way you can hear all the information directly! We normally start them around 915pm.
  • Welcome to all our new cadets and families!! If at all throughout the year you have questions reach out your senior cadets or staff. Information about events, dates, and activities is always posted to our website and Microsoft Teams (new cadets will get access in the coming days). Please check these places first for information before asking questions, they will likely answer them for you and eases the number of questions are staff handle (We do all work full time jobs outside of cadets).