
Announcements: Week of May 21, 2024 (Updated 2024/05/21)

This week: 

  • Thursday May 23, 2024
    • Drill Practice – 1700-1900hrs
  • Saturday and Sunday, May 25-26
    • Power Fam Flights – Unless you are contacted and notified for the flight please do not show up unannounced. Exact timing and locations will be distributed to those accepted for flights via Email
    • Spring FTX – On both Saturday and Sunday. Please see the attached letter for details. – Sqn Letter – Spring FTX May 24 
        • Camp Wapiti – Located past the gravel pits. Squadron staff and signs will be around for you to follow.

  • Monday May 27, 2024
    • Drill Team – 1700-1800hrs
  • Tuesday May 28, 2024


  • May 25/26 2024 – Spring Field Training Exercise – Sign up for this activity here. (FTX Sign-Up)
  • June 8, 2024 – ACR – Annual Ceremonial Review (all-day event) – MANDATORY FOR ALL CADETS. Any dietary restrictions please fill out this form – ACR Dietary Restrictions



  • Every first Tuesday of the month is a Parent/SSC Board Meeting @ 630pm at the Armouries. Thank you to all the parents who attended this week! Next meeting June 2, 2024
  • The Branded Gear store has reopened and will be accepting orders until June 1st! Take a look here: Branded Gear Store



  • Please ensure any absences are texted or voice-mail to the squadron number – 780-538-3610. Emailed absences will not be accepted!
  • Parents you are highly encouraged to come into the armouries during closing announcements/parade. That way you can hear all the information directly! We normally start them around 915pm.