Joint Field Training Exercise – May 16-19, 2025 (May long weekend activity with 2 other cadet units in Grande Cache)
Every first Tuesday of the month is a Parent/SSC Board Meeting @ 630pm. Thank you to all the parents who attended this week! Next meeting Feb 4, 2024
The Branded Gear store has reopened and will be accepting orders until June 1st! Take a look here: Branded Store
As the winter weather is arriving it is vital to remember to arrive and depart from Cadet activities safely. We ask that cadets stay within the D-Coy Armouries while waiting for parades rather than stand outside for safety purposes. This is also important for staff to ensure all cadets have been picked up by parents/guardians.
Please ensure any absences are texted or voice-mail to the squadron number – 780-538-3610 via the Admin line (Ext 0), the training line is for training specific questions not attendance. Emailed absences will not be accepted!
Parents you are highly encouraged to come into the armouries during closing announcements/parade. That way you can hear all the information directly! We normally start them around 915pm.