Points Reward for Groups H and J. For the following cadets below please be at the GPRC Climbing Gym for 1230hrs in appropriate gym attire we’ll be there till 1430hrs. Please let OCdt Trepanier know if you are attending (Wyatt.Trepanier@cadets.gc.ca). There is a waiver that parents will need to sign, either fill in the online waiver (https://www.gprc.ab.ca/athletics/centre/climbing_gym/waivers.html), complete the pdf form and bring it with you (Climbing Wall_Fitness Waiver_Oct2017(1)), or complete one when you come to the college.
Sports and Fitness night. Regular times of 1830-2130hrs in civilian attire for running and moving around. Please make sure you bring a water bottle and indoor shoes. NO UNIFORMS.
general announcements:
Before Christmas our cadets wrote Christmas cards to our deployed troops across the world. We have one of our cadets whose card made a difference to some of those troops and they returned the favour. With Cpl Pilgrim’s permission we are sharing the letter and photo he received back from troops deployed in Latvia. (CplPilgrimLetterFromTroops)
Again we thank the Grande Prairie Fire Department for coming in last night and demonstrating their work for our cadets.