
Return to Virtual Training – 18 Jan 2022


Due to a change in the COVID-19 Pandemic, we unfortunately are not able to return to in-person training as we originally hoped for in January. However, Your staff has been working diligently to develop a training program that will be fun, engaging, and educational as we continue with virtual training. Virtual Training will remain on the bi-weekly schedule via Discord and Teams, starting at 1830 and going until 2030hrs every second Tuesday.  With that in mind, Our First Virtual Training session for 2022 will take place on 18 Jan 2022 at 1830hrs and will be a Cadet Fitness Assessment, Adapted for At home. Please be prepared with water, and appropriate fitness gear.

I understand this news is upsetting for us all, but the safety of all members of the Squadron will always be the number one priority. As soon as we have permission to do so from national and regional chains of command, we will return to in-person training in a safe manner.

See you on the 18th!

Lt Meadus