
Summer Event Updates

We wanted to provide an update on the two local events 577 will be participating in during the summer stand-down period.

Canada Day

There will be a tri-service Flag Party marching in the Canada Day Parade in front of the Royal Canadian Legion float. Participating cadets have already been contacted. The full squadron will not be marching in the parade this year due to lack of staff availability to supervise. Participating cadets are to be dropped off at the Legion at 1230, they can be picked up on the east side of the London Drugs parking lot at roughly 1530. Order of Dress is C3B  Section 5 Service Dress – C3 – unless there is a drastic change in the forecast between now and then.

Grande Prairie Regional Airshow

After further coordination with the airshow planning committee, there have been some changes to what they require cadet volunteers for. We will now be helping with the set-up and teardown of the airshow on Friday 26 July and Monday 29 July. We need as many cadets as possible for this event as the more people we have the faster it will go. Timings are approximately 0900 to 1700 for each day, dress is FTU. More information to follow. You can sign up for the clean-up and tear down here:

If any cadets or parents wish to sign up to be volunteers during the airshow on the Saturday and Sunday (July 27/28) on their own they can do so here: Please keep in mind that this is not an approved cadet activity and cadets are not permitted to wear their uniforms if they sign up to volunteer. I am simply passing on this information and the cadet program bears no responsibility for you if you engage in this volunteer opportunity. More information on volunteering at or attending the airshow can be found on their website

If you have any questions, please reach out through your chain of command.

Announcements: Week of June 11, 2024 (Updated 2024/06/13)

This week: 

Thank you to all our Cadets, Parents, Volunteers and community members for your continued support and drive to make the 2023-2024 Training Year a success!!!! We are officially complete with our regular training for the summer and will be returning in September, please watch 2024-2025 Training Year startup instructions to come mid August. 


Cadets attending Fam Flights or Gliding you will be contacted via the email you used when you signed up for gliding for your flights. 


Cadets attending Cadet Training Centres this summer please keep an eye on your emails for travel information and joining instructions. The training staff will get this information sent out to you as soon as we receive it. 

  • Saturday/Sunday June 15/16, 2024
    • Gliding, Grande Prairie Airport – those selected for gliding will be directly emailed with instructions for gliding.

Upcoming Dates

  • Grande Prairie Regional Airshow – July 27-28, 2024
    • We will need cadets to volunteer for the GP Regional Airshow in the last weekend of July. Please complete the following form if you are available one or both of the days. GP Airshow Form

Announcements: Week of June 4, 2024 (Updated 2024/06/04)

This week: 

  • Saturday June 8, 2024
    • ACR – Annual Ceremonial Review (all-day event) – Cadets to arrive at TARA Centre at Evergreen Park for 0900hrs in Civillian clothing. Uniforms, boots, polishing kits and a water bottle should be brought with the cadets. Lunch will be provided. See attached letter: Sqn Letter – ACR June 24
    • Parents/Guests should arrive and be seated no later than 1515hrs, as the parade starts at 1530hrs. 
  • Tuesday June 11, 2024
    • Year-End Dinner/Water Fight – This is for all cadets and their immediate families (parents/siblings)
    • Each cadet is to bring a dish with them to feed 10-12 people. Please include an index card with ingredients for any food supplied due to allergies. Label all dishes with your name. All dishes MUST be PEANUT FREE.
    • Cadets are to bring the following according to their last name:
    • A-E: Sides and Salads
    • F-M: Mains
    • N-S: Drinks
    • T-Z: Desserts
    • If you would like to participate in the water fight, please bring a water gun/toy, a change of clothes and a towel.

Upcoming Dates

  • Grande Prairie Regional Airshow – July 27-28, 2024
    • We will need cadets to volunteer for the GP Regional Airshow in the last weekend of July. Please complete the following form if you are available one or both of the days. GP Airshow Form



  • Please ensure any absences are texted or voice-mail to the squadron number – 780-538-3610. Emailed absences will not be accepted!
  • Parents you are highly encouraged to come into the armouries during closing announcements/parade. That way you can hear all the information directly! We normally start them around 915pm.

Announcements: Week of May 28, 2024 (Updated 2024/05/28)

This week: 

  • Tuesday June 4, 2024
    • CO’s Parade/ Squadron Awards – At D-Coy Armouries 1830-2130hrs. We will be presenting our year end awards this evening, along with a few promotions. Parents are encouraged to attend. We will start the parade at 2000hrs (8pm). Dress for the evening will be C1 Orders of Dress Reference
  • We are receiving CTC offers now, please keep an eye out for offers via email.


  • June 8, 2024 – ACR – Annual Ceremonial Review (all-day event) – MANDATORY FOR ALL CADETS.
  • Jun 11, 2024 – Year End BBQ – All cadets and immediate families. Will be accompanied by a squadron water gun fight.



  • Every first Tuesday of the month is a Parent/SSC Board Meeting @ 630pm at the Armouries. Thank you to all the parents who attended this week! Next meeting June 4, 2024
  • The Branded Gear store has reopened and will be accepting orders until June 1st! Take a look here: Branded Gear Store



  • Please ensure any absences are texted or voice-mail to the squadron number – 780-538-3610. Emailed absences will not be accepted!
  • Parents you are highly encouraged to come into the armouries during closing announcements/parade. That way you can hear all the information directly! We normally start them around 915pm.